Wednesday, November 16, 2005

there once was a man from nantucket...

i couldn't come up with any catchy title for this completely random posting, so that's what you get. they can't all be funny.

so, i've totally thought about blogging and i've actually got different ideas for posts rattling around in my head. and i've even meant to write them out for your reading pleasure. it just hasn't come to fruition. (don't you just love that word?!) it's the thought that counts anyway, don't you think? yeah, me too.

oh! did i tell you guys that i was soooooo sick the first two weeks of work? like, sicker than i've ever been ever in my entire life? well. maybe not ever ever, but close to it. yeah. it sucked.

despite that, i'm really loving my job. for instance, today, i found a form that we give to people who are going to donate, listing the medications that you can't be on in order to donate. except for it was an old version, and the newer version had an additional medication listed. you can imagine what that meant. you guessed it. a total recall of blood products collected in the time since the new version had come out. scary, huh? but it turned out ok, because this problem had already been resolved by national headquarters and no recall was required. phew! it was so exciting! the suspense was overwhelming! quite the nail-biting day.

you wish you were me...

shut up. you do too!

anywho, i promise to blog more often. i won't promise everyday... or even every week... probably not even every other week... but definitely more often.