Tuesday, June 13, 2006

shrek is evil

have you ever noticed that everyone has a hamster/other small rodent escape story? well, here's mine.

we got him (or her, you can never tell what those little fuckers are. and personally, i don't care. we decided it's a he. end of story.) two weekends ago because pete has been extra responsible and i (albeit, mistakenly) told him that he could have a pet when he displayed the proper amount of responsibility. in hindsight, i should have better defined "proper amount". we were in the mall, the mall had a pet store, the puppies forced me inside, we came out with a hamster. his name is shrek.

i. hate. him.

sunday, i was trying to clean out its cage and the fucker bit me. DREW BLOOD! i'm sure i have hanta virus. then last night, it escaped its freshly cleaned cage. i'm sure it's after me. it got a taste for my blood and now it wants more. we luckily (or not) found it tonight after it ran across my boyfriend's foot. i've decided to let it live.

for now.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


so, i was falling asleep last night and i thought of a totally funny post titled "fyi" and it was going to be short and it was going to be about something i despise. or is gross about me. or something like that. anyway, guess what happened?

i forgot what it was.

but i'm sure it would have been awesome!

lucky you guys get this post instead. you're welcome.

oh wait! i've got something gross about me. sometimes i hold my gut in both hands and shake it at my boyfriend and say "you like that?!"

he won't admit it, but i'm sure he does.