we've already established that as part of Y-ME, i have decided to start eating more healthy foods, right? ok then, moving on. unfortunately, i am not the only eater in my house. my children have not taken so well to there being no mac and cheese, white bread, real sugar or candy in the house. pete, who was always my good eater, refuses to eat about 75% of what i put in front of him. that is so frustrating for mothers, as other mothers who may be reading this can attest to. frustrating to the point that you want to do something... anything to make the children eat this food.
case in point - this weekend pete wanted a tuna fish sandwich. i took this as an opportunity to make a delicious salmon burger made with pimentos and lemon and dill and topped with lettuce and tomatoes and sounds super tasty, am i right? wrong-o. pete would not eat the sandwich, no matter what i said:
"you can have a treat when you're done if you just eat half of it"
and "be mommy's good boy and eat"
which didn't work and led to "youwillnevereatagainaslongasyouliveunderthisroofif
allow me to segue. lucky for everyone i have the internet. the internet is such a powerful tool for communicating, researching, discovering new and interesting things and the lesser known but nonetheless powerful tool of scaring the living bejeebus out of your children with pictures of starving children in africa.
you can probably guess that i didn't end up making him eat his salmon burger. i was too busy consoling him from the trauma i inflicted when i showed him this picture:

and this picture:
so, you are welcome to make those donations which will go toward the future psychotherapy my poor dear children will quite obviously need. a lot of.
did i mention that the girl saw the same pictures, looked at me, shrugged, and walked away? yeah.