Saturday, October 22, 2005

and i am even cooler today!

ok, i'm not completely sure that anyone even looks at this anymore since it's been eleventy-seven decades since i last posted. i'm such a loser... but only on the blog-front! on every other front it is divide and conquer! i so completely rule. i'm the coolest person you know right now.

ok, ok, ok, since our last installment of "as valerie turns" - i've moved into my new place, kids have started school and daycare and i got a completely different (by different, i mean entirely better, and by entirely better, i mean pays substantially more) job then the one i moved up here for! yahoo for me! i am now working for the american red cross blood services doing what i do best - looking at other people's work and telling them what they did wrong! my favorite!

oh, and you remember my wunnerful son pete? he's a gemius. yup, gemius. his teacher here thinks he's sooooo smart that she wants to have him tested for the smart kid class.

and the girl is my beautiful, 3 year old cinderelly. she's going to her new daycare and is getting to the point of actually liking it. who knew she'd actually have a hard time without older brother around? go figure.

and did i mention i have my own stuff back? all of my towels and pans and books and cds and everything! it makes me happy to be a woman.

so, that's my excuse for being a lazy-ass blogger. for anyone who still looks over here anyway. and if you are, thanks for checking in on me!


Not Jon said...

Val: I still read...

Congrats on the job situation! You seem happier with your new / current job.

Hope your son turns out to be a germius (funny)! Get him tested early...the earlier the better ;-)


Unknown said...

Yippee!! I am soooo glad you are back! I have misssssed you! Yipppeee for you and the kids!

Unknown said...

Yay for all the great news :D

Heather said...

Are you ever going to blog again?