Tuesday, December 27, 2005

gift giving tip

you guys know how i hate to judge or complain, but here i go.

the holiday season is the time of giving, as we all know. and when you don't know someone too well, you tend to give them the catch-all. yes, i'm talking about the Gift Card.

this gift is fine and dandy, especially between not-so-close friends or colleagues. but, to coin a cheech phrase, here's my issue with that.

if you are going to give the GC there is absolutely NO SHAME in writing, somewhere on or around it, the amount the GC is for! i received four GCs this year and not one of them indicated the amount the GC was worth. for pete's sake people! i don't want to look like a greedy bitch and be all "hey, not-so-close friend or colleague, exactly how much am i entitled to spend with this lovely GC?" would it hurt so much to put the freaking amount on the fricking GC? heck no! so, i have to go online and check the balances so i don't get up to the register at the GC store and look like a dumbass when my purchase far exceeds the GC amount. and then the ditsy cashier has to be all "ummm, the total is eleventy seven $$" and i have to be all "here's a GC of unknown amount i would like to apply toward my purchase" and she runs the damned thing and is all "ok, now it's like, totally only eleventy $$. how wud u lick 2 pay 4 that?" (and she says it misspelled like that because she's so dumb) i hate that stupid bitch. with her barcode scanner and nametag. she thinks she's so much better than me, but she's not!

all of this because some well-wisher couldn't right the god damn amount on the frickety fracking GC.

/end judgmental complaint/


bri said...

a totally valid complaint! i don't want to hijack your post but i must say this...

i got a GC from a distant family member this year. let's just say they added an extra zero to the amount they wrote on the card, because when i used it at the store, it was for $20 instead of $200! how fucking sucky! thank god i wasn't trying to spend the whole $200. that would have been an embarrassing scene... me to the cashier: "ummm yeah... i'm gonna have to go ahead and cancel that purchase..."

Unknown said...

That really pisses me off also!

I feel you pain 100 %

Heather said...

I had to take a sec and make sure I didn't give you a GC. Big sigh of relief, it wasn't me!