Friday, July 01, 2005

i'm calling you out, cheech


hey cheech, remember that time where ol' what's-his-face and i were making fun of the notorious B.O.L.T.O.N. and we said how funny it would have been if when luke removed darth vader's helmet at the end of return of the jedi it had been michael bolton's face? and how i photoshopped a picture of bolton onto vader's face and how funny that was?

and remember how much you love rod stewart and everyone makes fun of you for it?

and remember how somebody stole your wilson phillips cd and no one would own up to it because they didn't want to admit that they liked wilson phillips too?

good times... good times...

p.s. you'd better post a comment to this one or my next blog is about the sheets on saturdays. don't test me. you know i'll do it.


Anonymous said...

For the record

- There is no shame in loving Rod Stewart. He is a fabulous performer who writes and sings great songs. You're just jealous. You can't stand to see successful people living out their life's dream. PS-don't think Rod and I didn't notice that you failed to mention "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy" on your you-have-no-soul-if-you-don't-love-these-songs list.

- Michael Bolton was not put on this earth for your childish amusement. He is here to entertain the masses with his love ballads and deep raspy voice. Which he does. (the joke and the picture are slightly humorous, but that is all you'll get out of me)

- I cannot believe that you are bagging on Wilson Phillips. You know you love them just as much as
I do. Why are you fronting? I guess all those afternoons of singing along with that CD meant nothing to you. You cut me real deep, Tina.

- As for the Saturday sheets, I do not for one second believe that you are not going to share my weird quirks with this panel, even though I am responding. Because that is how you are. Anything to take the glare off of you, and get a cheap laugh at the same time. Or is that me? Anyway, I am very, very, very, very, very upset!!!!!!!! Irregardless, I am going to forgive you, and then I am going to go unthaw some hamburger for lunch. (That made me feel better)

Heather said...

way to go cheech, I loved the irregardless and unthaw technique at the close (perfect icing for the cake). By the way, how is the pirate shirt?

Valerie said...

of course i'm not gonna tell these nice people about how you wash sheets on saturday and no one is allowed to get in them unless they have showered and have clean jammies on.