Wednesday, June 08, 2005

belated new years resolution

k, so i'm making a resolution in the middle of the year. i'm a big girl and i'll do what i want, so *nyah!*
i resolve to write in my online journal every day, no matter how i'm feeling. it helps me get stuff out and it needs to be done. besides, you all aren't just here to see how cute and witty i am, are you? i thought not.
fact is, i've been feeling pretty worthless lately (ho-hum, woe is me) and just haven't felt like writing much of anything. i even deleted an entry that hopefully only krista saw (thanks, sweetie, for your words of support, btw) because it was soooooo (yeah, with 6 o's! it was that bad.) horribly loathsome.
anyway, thank you malcolm for kicking my ass. i will try to be better; not because you all need it, but because i do.
and, no, i haven't heard anything about the security clearance yet. but i'm fine with it... just fine...


Unknown said...

By the way..I have no idea what you are talking about....lmao....**wink..wink**

Valerie said...

what? huh? i'm sure i have no idea what you're talking about either...