Friday, May 20, 2005

the exorcist

today i'm having split pea and ham soup for lunch. whenever i eat that i obviously think of the exorcist when the little girl spews that soup and her head flips around. then i think about my friend who has a name very close to linda blair's but she's nothing like the girl in the movie (although her daughter's head has been known to spin around on occassion ;) ). then i wonder what my friend's doing right now. i assume she's reading this because she has nothing better to do at work. then i think about how much i miss work and how i left there to come here and haven't found a job yet. and then i think about how i'm just sitting here in my pj's, mooching off my parents and eating split pea and ham soup.
this is how i think. it's sad how my mind just constantly wanders. if only modern science could somehow harness the energy i expel thinking and worrying about stupid stuff (like why lindsay lohan looks like shit), there would be a renewable, ozone-depleting-chemical-free, energy source. maybe i should put my brain power to working on that little project. eh. that sounds too much like work.

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