Friday, May 27, 2005

i have a dirty little secret

first, make sure no one's around... anybody looking over your shoulder? ok, good. now i'm trusting you with this secret. make sure you don't tell anyone. promise. ok, ready?

i like to read romance novels.

there i've said it. they say the first step is admitting you have a problem.
yeah, i know that's silly! that's why i said you can't tell anybody!
it's all chichi nini's fault. she bought me one a couple of years ago for christmas and since then i've been hooked. she tries to tell me that what she likes so much about them is the love story. yeah right. that's akin to guys saying they only read playboy for the articles. while the love stories are great, the sex scenes are hot. there are differences in sex scenes though, and there is such a thing as a bad sex scene. and if the story surrounding the sex isn't good, the sex won't be good either. and while most men's philosophy about women is "once you've seen one woman naked... you wanna see the rest of them" (hence reading playboy for the articles), this philosophy does not apply to romance novels for women. i take that back. it does apply to some women. but not me. i need me some good, well written romance.
i've been thinking i could totally write one of these books. i'm a girl, i know what i like and it can't be that far off from what other women like. but what i need to start with is a good title. like one of these.
if you have any ideas, feel free to let me know. when my book is on the best seller list, i'll be sure to give you credit.


Valerie said...

so, you're saying a good romance novel title would be... "install my motherboard"?

Unknown said...

Ohhhh MY !! Yall are crazzzzy !! lmao !