Friday, May 06, 2005

yeah, yeah. i know.

ok, so i reviewed my previous posts and i've realized what most of you have already figured out. i am a bonafide man hater. without really knowing it. well, i did kinda know it, but i guess i mean i don't really want to come off that way. i like men. hell, i love men! i'd just like to find a good one. and the hopeless romantic in me believes that there's one out there for me. but then i also tend to be a pessimist, and that's when i come off as a man hater. plus, it's not really funny to hear about how i still hold out hope for that someone to come into my life (well, maybe it is kinda funny in a sadistic, watching a train crash, way).
also, i realize that it may come off that i am content in my loser-dom when, in fact, i am not! I am working hard to find a job and change my current situation. i have a wonderful support system of friends and family. poking fun at myself is my way of pushing myself to get going and make some changes. i really am not the kind of person to sit back and let life happen to me. that's part of the reason that i'm in the situation i'm in now. i left a good job, a home i owned and great friends (i miss you guys!) to try and make a better and more stable life for my kids and i. i know, seems silly to leave stability to gain instability, but there's lots of background and it really does make sense when you know it all.
so i just wanted to clear up that 1) i am not a man hater and 2) i really am not a lazy ass loser.
thanks for listening. now i'll get back to my usual inane drivel about how horrible my life is.

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