Thursday, April 28, 2005

this has nothing to do with online dating, but...

i felt the need to write about it and it's my blog, so nyah!

we have already established that i am, in fact, a loser. further proof of this is that i and my two children live with my parents. IT'S TEMPORARY! my parents have two dogs - rocky, a cairn terrier, and benny, an airedale. super cute dogs and fun to play with, especially for the kids.

there are two things i don't like about these dogs: 1) they bark. wait, did i say bark? i meant start yelping and barking to the point of howling every time they see anything, whether it be the paperboy, a rabbit, or the tree rustle. they don't like movement of any kind. and 2) they like to escape from the house.

last week my two year old was a prime suspect in letting these dogs out. let it be known that no one saw this alleged crime, and she's so danged sweet and innocent, i'm almost positive it wasn't her. anyway, she opened the door, the dogs got out. the door wasn't discovered as being open until ~10:00 pm. then the hunt was on. my father, stepmom and myself all piled into our separate cars and went to chase them down. we were out until 12:30. no dogs. the looks i got that night should have left me paralyzed for fear of a bloody death in my sleep. i'm sorry! she likes door handles! anyway, 7:30 the next morning, someone in the neighborhood called and said they had found the escapees and detained them for the evening. yippee! we can live here another day! but i told you that story to tell you this story:

yesterday, the devious dogs fooled my stepmom into opening the front door and bolted when she did. (at least it wasn't my daughter!) once again, i had to help chase them down. luckily rocky has short legs and is fat so he gave up about two houses away. benny, on the other hand, is a quite agile 85 pound dog who will stop for nothing or no one. i hate that dog and this is why. he finally gets distracted by some dogs barking at him two blocks away from our house. i catch him by the collar and control my foot from kicking him. (i'm an animal lover, but i can only be pushed so far, people!) so, i'm leading him back to the awaiting jeep by his collar. we are on the street and he decides to try and run to the car and take me with him. unfortunately, he miscalculated how steady i was. i fell. on the pavement. what a picture of grace. BUT, i did retain hold of the collar so the little (i mean ginormous) f%&#r didn't get away again. and happily, my stepmom took care of the yelling at the dog so i didn't have to. not like he cares. he got a nice adventure and the opportunity to make me fall down.

i gotta get a job and my own place...

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